Mariola Strahlberg, MS, LAc

Services & Rates


$175 per 1st session & $130 per follow up

imageAcupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere. I practice gentle Japanese acupuncture techniques taught to me by my teacher Kiiko Matsumoto.

According to Oriental Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger digestion
  • Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Greater sense of overall health and well-being

Acupuncture is helpful for acute as well as chronic conditions. Many people also come few times a year for preventive treatments. Acupuncture is for everybody: infants, children, teenagers, adults and seniors and...even your pets!


$145 per session

imageColor Acu-Light Therapy (Colorpunture™) is one of Europe’s most popular new alternative healing modalities. The founder of the Colorpuncture™ is a German naturopath and acupuncturist, Dr. Peter Mandel, who for the past 40 years integrated the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine with the latest findings of modern photon physics. His system offers a systematic method of using colored lights at the acupuncture points to facilitate exchange of information between physical and subtle bodies. As has been attested by modern physics, light is energy as well as information. Each color has a specific electromagnetic wavelength. It has been also observed by German biophysicist, Dr. Papp, that healthy cells exhibit steady stream of biophotons, while unhealthy cells have increase emission of biophotons, which affect neighboring cells leading to incoherence and disease. Given that the human cells exhibit energetic properties of light, and that light and color have a modifying effect of the body’s system of energetic information, Dr. Mandel uses light and color to restore health.image

Colorpuncture™ is gentle, pain-free, there are no side effects. It is a wonderful therapuetic modality for children, seniors and patients who have fear of needles.